On Monday, 8 February 2016 I learned about descriptive (continue) last
week. When the class began, the lecturer checked my answered homework. Then, I
read the text about " Budapest " and answered the questions
under the paragraphs. Next, I read it about " Prague " and answered the
questions. And then, I read " Text 4 " about describe person for
answering the questions and write " Appearance or Characteristics ".
Next, I described a person who I known in a paragraph. The last exercise
she assigned us to write a paragraph for describing person, place, and
animals. I think this lesson is easy for me because I can read and
comprehend the articles for giving. Sometimes I don't know about vocabulary. I
will use a dictionary online for helping. When I read the text, I always use
strategies in reading; skimming and scanning skills.
on 1 February, 2016. I had the
quiz test for 10 points. It was difficult.Today I learned about “Descriptive” – Descriptive text is a text
which says what a person, a thing or a place is like. The text was about
“Komodo Dragon (Varanus Komodoensis).” . I thought that the text today was easy
because It was near my life but it had some difficult words. I would find out
the meaning of words on my mobile. And then, she taught us about how to make
the mind map for themes. It would be helped us for understanding the text easily.
She gave us reading the text and answered the questions based on the text of
Komodo Dragon. In my attitude with this course, this lesson was very
important and useful for me because it will help us to able for describing and
reading the descriptive text clearly and easily.