วันศุกร์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Reflection

This course I think every lesson is important to study and 

remember. This is the lesson of the course.

 Recount - I know about recount must have the words e.g. When ,  Who, What , where, action verbs / past tense , linking words to do with time and specific participalsts  in the text.

Narratives I lesson about writing the main idea of the text.  I can summary with friends and I went in front the class for writing the main idea of the text. 

Descriptive   - I learned about “Descriptive” I thought that the text today was easy because It was near my life.

Procedure - I learned about the "procedure" I like  this story,  because  it can  apply in daily life.

Comparison and ContrastI learned about Comparison and Contrast. I found the most difficult about  this lesson but it is easy in somethings.

Cause and Effect - This lesson is easy because when I read the topic, I can answer the question. When I read,  I use strategies is skimming and scanning and finding discourse markers. 

Definition and Classification -This lesson, I found the most difficult about finding the  definition markers and difficult words. I can’t understand in the skill practice and finding the  definition markers

Exemplification - I learned about Exemplification. I found the difficult about finding the  exemplification markers and difficult words. I can’t understand  finding the exemplification markers. It makes me spend a lot of time in the activities, but the teacher train me to understand finding the exemplification markers

Problem and Solution - I read the texts about Problem and Solution by how to find the problem markers such as burden, challenge, complication, concern, conflict, crisis, danger, deficiency, difficultly etc. and solution markers such as to address, to answer, to cope with, to deal with, to improve, to resolve, to respond and to solve etc.

  I think every lesson in this course I found the problems 

in reading difficult words and find main idea. I solved 

problems are open dictionary on my smartphone and practice

 reading and understanding , but this course important and 

different to study but it make me understand more than 

before.Thank you Asst. Prof. Dr.Usa Noytim to teach me and 

my friends to know about A Discourse Approach In Reading

 and have new experience.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

Problem and Solution (continue)

Today  I learned about Problem and Solution that continues last week. Before the class started, she told us to keep up the exercise paper for checking the answers.Then she taught us the PowerPoint together with papers and she teach finding Title , Main idea , and Graphic organizer.After that, She closed the Cross.I found the problems in reading difficult words and find main idea. I solved problems are open dictionary on my smartphone and practice reading and understanding the texts. This week make me enjoy and I have more knowledge about skimming, scanning, finding the main idea. Thank you for reading and comments blog of me.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Problem and Solution


       Today  I learned about Problem and Solution. Before the class started,  she gave us the problem and solution handout and taught us the PowerPoint together with papers. Which she made me know that Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue a Problem and something that was, can be, or, should be done to remedy this issue solution or attempted solution. And then, she taught us how to read the texts about Problem and Solution by how to find the problem markers such as burden, challenge, complication, concern, conflict, crisis, danger, deficiency, difficultly etc. and solution markers such as to address, to answer, to cope with, to deal with, to improve, to resolve, to respond and to solve etc.  I found the most difficult about finding the problem markers and solution markersI solved problems are used skimming, scanning, finding the problem markers and solution markers. I will practice the texts about Problem and Solution. Thank you.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559


       Today I learned about Exemplification. Before the class started, she told us to keep up the exercise paper for checking the answers. After that,she shown us the slide on the board. The topic is College Students' Pressures that she taught us how to read the text by finding the exemplification markers and complete the diagram. Then, she told us that exemplification writing uses specific,vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. she gave us to do the exercises which the first exercise is  about Fun Things to Do in Great Falls that I had to read this text and match the place with activities. the second text is about Using the plural word hazards to signal an exemplification paragraph follows. I found the difficult about finding the  exemplification markers and difficult words. I can’t understand  finding the exemplification markers. It makes me spend a lot of time in the activities, but the teacher train me to understand finding the exemplification markers


วันศุกร์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Definition and Classification

       Today  in the  morning with Aj. Usa Noytim. I learned about Definition and Classification. Before the lass started, she told us the points of mid-term test. After that, she shown the contents that she will teach on the slides. She gave us to do the skill practice 1- In the sentence that given, circle the definition markers, highlight the technical terms, and underline the definitions. The first one has been done for you as an example. 

I found the most difficult about finding the  definition markers and difficult words. I can’t understand in the skill practice and finding the  definition markers. It makes me spend a lot of time in the activities, but the teacher train me to understand finding the definition markers. Thank you teacher. I found a lot of problems, but I will try to practice as much as possible. I will practice reading the story and finding the definition markers.This class, I’m a little serious but happy. Thank you for reading.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Cause and Effect (continued)

      In this morning, I had a class for A Discourse and Approach in Reading with Dr. Usa Noytim. When the class began, the teacher gave us a piece of examination for testing. Next, I started to do the test. After I had already done it, I sent the answer sheet to the teacher. And she taught to continue on last Sunday. the article was " The Effects of Stress ".

             We read and answered the questions together and I used how to find cause and effect markers for reading easily. I think that it was easy for me because I just knew that when I concentrate to study,but I found the problems in reading difficult words and incorrect pronunciation. I solved problems are open dictionary on my smartphone and Cambridge dictionary online training to correct pronunciation.  

วันอังคารที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Cause and Effect

         Today is Sunday morning.  Dr. Usa started to teach and talk about the points of test to students. After that she started a new lesson about " Cause and Effect the lecturer asked the questions about " global warming ".Then, she wanted who to be a volunteer in the class for writing the cause of global warming in these questions on the white board.  And then, She gave us to do the exercise for practicing skills - read the text and complete the diagram by did Skill Practice 1 about Cause and Effect Markers and Skill Practice 2 about circle the Cause and Effect Markers.This lesson is easy because when I read the topic, I can answer the question. When I read,  I use strategies is skimming and scanning and finding discourse markers.I should learn more and study hard about vocabularies and practicing how to pronounce.